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  • Writer's pictureChasingTheMoon DishashreeSwain

Putting Thoughts To Paper

Framed gold, beneath light dust, there's an intricate, precise design,

Bringing sweet reverie, to thoughts of passing daydreams,

All they do, is stand and stare at the masterpiece,

Their souls applauding for another, that has brought out the light within,

With the swirl of the brush, a pinch of her emotions scattered,

The painter has portrayed her pain, but all they do, is admire the picturesque.

A curious composition, reflecting the chaos of the artist,

Vivid colors, spray casual, almost to the point of garish,

Stroke lines so bold, images out of this world, they were,

Both stunning, and head-inducing, a novel condensed into a single page,

Taking me away to another time, everything was new,

The shades are rare, hard to decipher, admirable's the hue.

Dreams emerging from that certain part which wouldn't speak,

Now people die to stare, to admire, even to peek,

Invoking so different emotions each time I see it, it's anew,

A storm rages in my head as I take in the fullest view,

Yet, this is how mind unites, pouring in creativity on plain canvas,

Bringing sweet dreams to life, spirits rise and hours pass.

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